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Review Firestone Sanctuary Lightning Talk recording
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Review Firestone Sanctuary speech from Effective Altruism Lightning Talks.

The video from the EA Lightning talk has been uploaded to Google Drive here.

In regards to this link, Owen sent 26 July at 22:46 over Messenger to @Timotheos:

tim_firestone.MOV is the video with audio recorded with the camera
tim_firestone.mkv is the audio recorded with my consenser microphone, but the audio quality wasn't great as I had to put the microphone very far away
the condenser mic audio can be improved greatly with noise reduction if you prefer that one
if you prefer the audio from the condenser mic, I can swap it in place of the camera's audio and do the noise reduction
I'm also happy to film you giving the talk in a more controlled environment for better audio and video quality

Review the existing footage and see if it is suitable for uploading to the website, or if it is better to create to re-film it, with screen-recorded slides and video from the Sanctuary itself.

Create follow-up tasks to either upload the talk to the website (and media platforms such as Vimeo or others), or to record a new talk, or both.

Event Timeline

Timotheos triaged this task as Normal priority.Aug 1 2021, 18:03
Timotheos created this task.
Timotheos created this object with visibility "Public (No Login Required)".
Timotheos created this object with edit policy "Trusted Contributors (Project)".
Timotheos moved this task from To-do list to Underway on the Trusted Contributors board.EditedAug 2 2021, 13:14

Owen sent 1 August at 22:41 over Messenger to @Timotheos:

Ryan has now merged the better quality audio with the video and uploaded them together. Did he send you the link?

I have reviewed the talk. I think I'd like to record it again, but, first, split it into two talks: one about the Sanctuary itself, one about the overall worldwide issues and what to do about it, with how the Sanctuary fits in to that.

This issue can be marked complete once new tasks have been made to process that.