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Obtain live monitoring cameras for possum boxes
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Look into what monitoring cameras are best to watch nesting creatures in the possum boxes, without interfering with the sleep cycle of said animals.

These possum boxes are likely being placed on the trees near the The Cottage so should get a Wi-Fi signal.
It would be ideal to set them up to use solar charging so no recharging is necessary, else a directly wired solution.

Event Timeline

Timotheos triaged this task as Normal priority.Oct 27 2021, 14:51
Timotheos created this task.
Timotheos created this object with visibility "Public (No Login Required)".
Timotheos created this object with edit policy "Trusted Contributors (Project)".
Owen added a comment.Nov 1 2021, 18:31

A quick note to get started here:

The easiest thing to do is get a $56 wi-fi camera that has infrared illumination for night vision. An example of this is what I use for my car's security system:

There are two things which MIGHT make this one unsuitable though:

  • Possums can apparently see and might avoid infrared light, which the camera needs to see in the dark
  • Possums can apparently hear some cameras. You can hear electronics when they use a particular type of voltage converter, which the above one does.

More info on camera traps being avoided by animals:

That said, my dad has installed one of these exact cameras in his ceiling and the possums don't mind or notice it at all. This is cheap to test, so its an option to proceed with that camera or similar and see if the possums avoid it.

To do zero infrared emissions, we'll need something a bit more advanced than a regular wifi camera. Something that has a wide open lense (low F-stop) and a large sensor

I'll do some more research soon