tasks.sanctuary.eco is currently kindly being hosted on @Ziggy's private server space. The issue is that https is not available because (quoting @Ziggy):
The problem is that an SSL site needs its own IP address and I only have two, and I’m using them for my own sites as SSL. The alternative is using a nonstandard port, eg 8043 instead of the standard 443, and having the normal 80 port being just a redirect to that port…
This means the sanctuary.eco and tasks.sanctuary.eco websites don't have https access currently, which makes the Sanctuary look somewhat unsafe or unprofessional.
@Timotheos recommends using IONOS web hosting for a Virtual Private Server to run the website exclusively.
IONOS has good environmental credentials as a web host, and decent rates: https://www.ionos.com/environment
https://www.ionos.com/servers/vps#packages has a $7 USD per month medium package that should be suitable.
Buy the VPS hosting subscription and migrate the existing website from @Ziggy's private web server to the new VPS.