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Migrate hosting to VPS
Closed, ResolvedPublic

Description is currently kindly being hosted on @Ziggy's private server space. The issue is that https is not available because (quoting @Ziggy):

The problem is that an SSL site needs its own IP address and I only have two, and I’m using them for my own sites as SSL. The alternative is using a nonstandard port, eg 8043 instead of the standard 443, and having the normal 80 port being just a redirect to that port…

This means the and websites don't have https access currently, which makes the Sanctuary look somewhat unsafe or unprofessional.

@Timotheos recommends using IONOS web hosting for a Virtual Private Server to run the website exclusively.

IONOS has good environmental credentials as a web host, and decent rates: has a $7 USD per month medium package that should be suitable.

Buy the VPS hosting subscription and migrate the existing website from @Ziggy's private web server to the new VPS.

Event Timeline

Timotheos triaged this task as Normal priority.Jan 20 2022, 14:55
Timotheos created this task.
Timotheos created this object with visibility "Public (No Login Required)".
Timotheos created this object with edit policy "Trusted Contributors (Project)".

The VPS hosting subscription has been purchased from IONOS and the ball is in @Ziggy's court about the next steps in this migration :)

Timotheos claimed this task.May 1 2022, 15:08

This should be set up! @Ziggy did most of the work over video call with me today.

Timotheos closed this task as Resolved.May 11 2022, 07:44