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Plant Wollemi pine near the Festival Flat composting toilet
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The Wollemi in the pot down near the flat needs to be planted. I'm constantly having to pump out the water out and small animals are getting trapped in the hole and dying. Additionally, it's a safety hazard for anyone walking around at night - has almost got me a few times!

I have filled the bottom 6 inches with sifted, chunky organic matter and we've plenty enough soil here to make it happen. I'm happy to do this - let me know if you'd like me to go ahead.

Event Timeline

Dylan created this task.May 4 2022, 16:24
Timotheos claimed this task.May 6 2022, 17:51
Timotheos added a subscriber: Timotheos.

I would like to handle this one :)

I wanted to get a small on-the-side drainage hole put in before planting this, because the clay of the hole is currently keeping water in a pool and I feel that would slowly kill a tree planted in it. The drainage should be fixed before planting a tree in it. Plus, all the mushroom compost that I wanted to use for this tree is gone, so I'll need to get something more.

Additionally, this task should be delayed until after the space planning meeting where we decide if that part of land will be earthmoved or not. I wouldn't want to plant the wollemi pine if it was going to be bulldozed later!

Timotheos renamed this task from Plant Wollemi Next To Toilet to Plant Wollemi pine near the Festival Flat composting toilet.May 6 2022, 17:51
Timotheos triaged this task as Normal priority.
Timotheos changed the visibility from "All Users" to "Public (No Login Required)".
Timotheos changed the edit policy from "All Users" to "Trusted Contributors (Project)".
Timotheos updated the task description. (Show Details)
Dylan added a comment.May 17 2022, 17:58

No worries. I shall leave it for you

Elle moved this task from To-do list to Backlog on the Trusted Contributors board.Dec 2 2022, 20:48