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Acquire tall stable ladder
Closed, ResolvedPublic


A tall stable ladder is needed for scaling the pineapple shed and cleaning the cottage gutters.

Event Timeline

Timotheos triaged this task as Normal priority.Nov 3 2020, 09:41
Timotheos created this task.
Timotheos created this object with visibility "Public (No Login Required)".
Timotheos created this object with edit policy "Trusted Contributors (Project)".
Timotheos closed this task as Resolved.Aug 8 2021, 16:26
Timotheos claimed this task.

We have now a tall metal ladder, probably too tall and thin for cleaning the Cottage gutters, but suitable for affixing to the lower shed (Pineapple shed) to repair its roof.

We also have a long wooden ladder-like that was picked up and is currently in the upper shed.

I think these are sufficient for the time being. The Cottage's south-facing gutter is still not accessible easily from the ground, but the roof is climbable so that has been sufficient for the time being. If we need a new ladder for the Cottage guttering specifically, we can make a new task.