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Obtain snake bite kit(s)
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Ian said Dayboro Ambulance sell snake bite first aid kits for $20. We should probably obtain two, just in case.

Event Timeline

Timotheos triaged this task as High priority.Dec 13 2020, 17:36
Timotheos created this task.
Timotheos created this object with visibility "Public (No Login Required)".
Timotheos created this object with edit policy "Trusted Contributors (Project)".
Timotheos updated the task description. (Show Details)Jan 11 2021, 15:08
Timotheos claimed this task.Jul 6 2021, 19:45
Timotheos added a project: Next Work Bee.
Timotheos moved this task from To-do list to Underway on the Trusted Contributors board.

I visited Dayboro Ambulance Station and they no longer sell them, but recommended to purchase them online, and showed me how to use them.

Timotheos closed this task as Resolved.Jul 19 2021, 14:16
Timotheos removed a project: Next Work Bee.

The snake bite kits have arrived. One is stored in the medicine section of the Cottage hallway cupboard and the other will be kept in the glove compartment of the Gorgon (or the tool storage area under the back seat, depending which fit is better).