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Multi-bay composting for Tiny Village
Open, HighPublic


Make large multi-bay composting areas for Tiny Village, to empty composting toilet and to put all the grass clippings.

Perhaps making a few bays in the mountainside down there with some labels?

Event Timeline

Timotheos triaged this task as High priority.Jan 10 2021, 17:35
Timotheos created this task.
Timotheos created this object with visibility "Public (No Login Required)".
Timotheos created this object with edit policy "Trusted Contributors (Project)".
Timotheos claimed this task.Jan 19 2021, 12:06
Timotheos moved this task from To-do list to Underway on the Trusted Contributors board.
Timotheos moved this task from Backlog to To-do list on the Tiny Village board.Sep 17 2021, 19:34
Timotheos moved this task from To-do list to Backlog on the Tiny Village board.