Version 6 vs 7
Version 6 vs 7
- Edit by Timotheos, Version 7
- Jun 10 2021 20:46
- ·Replaced outdated space allocations with a place name listing, for later expansion
- Edit by Timotheos, Version 6
- Dec 2 2020 08:49
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Content Changes
Content Changes
@Timotheos is de facto "benevolent dictatorship" at the moment until we officially legally structure the intended model. Yet, to make sure that the property still feels like a shared space with community autonomy, the explicit exclusive allocation of space to certain purposes and members seems astute. It is time to start drawing up the map of this.
This will make it easier for planting decisions to occur, for example. Consultation with the caretaker of a particular space is required for those planting and maintenance decisions.
The recommendation is to delay planting the lower area until earthworks are complete.
### Example categories of space
- road access
- @Timotheos space
- Flat removable dwelling space
- Nava space
- community space (consult @Timotheos for decisions)
- nature space (this would correspond closely with the council overlay for native forestry zoning)
- unallocated space
### Space allocations
Festival/camping flat = community area
Pineapple shed = community area
Upper shed and immediate surrounds = Nava area
Flat removable dwelling space and immediate surrounds = unallocated (Dylan?) area
The Cottage and immediate surrounds = Timotheos area
Bell's Rest and Bell's Rise = Grace area
Lemon Hill = unallocated space
# Maps
[Moreton Bay Regional Council mapping for the Sanctuary](,Property_Key,523345)
@Timotheos is de facto "benevolent dictatorship" at the moment until we officially legally structure the intended model. Yet, to make sure that the property still feels like a shared space with community autonomy, the explicit exclusive allocation of space to certain purposes and members seems astute. It is time to start drawing up the map of this.
This will make it easier for planting decisions to occur, for example. Consultation with the caretaker of a particular space is required for those planting and maintenance decisions.
The recommendation is to delay planting the lower area until earthworks are complete.
### Example categories of space
- road access
- temporary stay space
- private resident space
- community space
- nature space (this would correspond closely with the council overlay for native forestry zoning)
- unallocated space (future designation)
### Space allocations
#### List of Sanctuary place names
Festival Flat = camping area/camping flat = community area
Pineapple shed = community area
Lily Pad
Upper shed
Tiny Village flat (below dam)
Possum Shed flat
The Cottage and immediate surrounds
Bell's Rest
Bell's Rise
Yummyberry Grove
Secret Fig
- Shadehouse / Veggie Patch
- Aviary
Lemon Hill = unallocated space
Base of Lemon Hill = camping flat
First Kiss Camp
# Maps
[Moreton Bay Regional Council mapping for the Sanctuary](,Property_Key,523345)
@Timotheos is de facto "benevolent dictatorship" at the moment until we officially legally structure the intended model. Yet, to make sure that the property still feels like a shared space with community autonomy, the explicit exclusive allocation of space to certain purposes and members seems astute. It is time to start drawing up the map of this.
This will make it easier for planting decisions to occur, for example. Consultation with the caretaker of a particular space is required for those planting and maintenance decisions.
The recommendation is to delay planting the lower area until earthworks are complete.
### Example categories of space
- road access
- @Timotheos- temporary stay space
- Flat removable dwelling- private resident space
- Nava space
-- community space (consult @Timotheos for decisions)ce
- nature space (this would correspond closely with the council overlay for native forestry zoning)
- unallocated space (future designation)
### Space allocations
#### List of Sanctuary place names
Festivall Flat = camping area/camping flat = community area
Pineapple shed = community area
Lily Pad
Upper shed and immediate surrounds = Nava area
Tiny Village flat (below dam)
Possum Shed flat
The Cottage and immediate surrounds
Flat removable dwelling space and immediate surrounds = unallocated (Dylan?) areaBell's Rest
The Cottage and immediate surrounds = Timotheos areaBell's Rise
Bell's Rest and Bell's Rise = Grace areaYummyberry Grove
Secret Fig
- Shadehouse / Veggie Patch
- Aviary
Lemon Hill = unallocated space
Base of Lemon Hill = camping flat
First Kiss Camp
# Maps
[Moreton Bay Regional Council mapping for the Sanctuary](,Property_Key,523345)