Version 1 vs 3
Version 1 vs 3
Content Changes
Content Changes
# Ways people can help
Donating! Please donate :)
## Eternal tasks
- mowing (the road / base of Lemon Hill / Festival Flat)
- brushcutting the invasive grass
- clearing lantana
- start planting a lot more productive food plants
- identifying and ringbarking black wattle (for the next stage in forest restoration)
## Imminent tasks
- building a toilet block
- putting up guttering on the lower shed for water collection
- hooking up 2 IBC water units to lower shed guttering
- putting up fences
- setting up spaces with baths (water troughs), IBC water unit and shade/water collection, in various locations, for animals / camping etc
## Other ideas
- sharing knowledge
- networking
- maintaining our digital resources
- working on project lists
- art installations
## Existing roles
- community meals (@Yadava)
- land management (@Sienna)
- feeding animals (@Yadava and @Timotheos)
- website maintenance (Ziggy)
# Ways people can help
Donating! Please donate :)
## Eternally useful tasks
- hunting Freecycle, Dayboro dump, Gumtree, Facebook marketplace (etc.) for free materials and delivering to the Sanctuary
- mowing (the road / base of Lemon Hill / Festival Flat)
- mowing or brushcutting the invasive grass
- clearing lantana
- moving wood (from neighbour's) to wood pile
- making swales
- moving rocks from the river area into a pile
- clearing out the river of old giant devil's figs and piling up wood into mulch
- start planting a lot more productive food plants
- identifying and ringbarking black wattle (for the next stage in forest restoration)
- building possum habitats
- checking on / watering trees and updating GIS
## Imminent projects
- building a toilet block
- putting up guttering on the lower shed for water collection
- hooking up 2 IBC water units to lower shed guttering
- putting up fences
- setting up spaces with baths (water troughs), IBC water unit and shade/water collection, in various locations, for animals / camping etc
## Other ideas
- sharing knowledge
- networking
- maintaining our digital resources
- working on project lists
- art installations
## Existing roles
- community meals (@Yadava)
- land management
- feeding animals (@Yadava and @Timotheos)
- website maintenance (Ziggy)
# Ways people can help
Donating! Please donate :)
## Eternally useful tasks
- hunting Freecycle, Dayboro dump, Gumtree, Facebook marketplace (etc.) for free materials and delivering to the Sanctuary
- mowing (the road / base of Lemon Hill / Festival Flat)
- mowing or brushcutting the invasive grass
- clearing lantana
- moving wood (from neighbour's) to wood pile
- making swales
- moving rocks from the river area into a pile
- clearing out the river of old giant devil's figs and piling up wood into mulch
- start planting a lot more productive food plants
- identifying and ringbarking black wattle (for the next stage in forest restoration)
- building possum habitats
- checking on / watering trees and updating GIS
## Imminent tasksprojects
- building a toilet block
- putting up guttering on the lower shed for water collection
- hooking up 2 IBC water units to lower shed guttering
- putting up fences
- setting up spaces with baths (water troughs), IBC water unit and shade/water collection, in various locations, for animals / camping etc
## Other ideas
- sharing knowledge
- networking
- maintaining our digital resources
- working on project lists
- art installations
## Existing roles
- community meals (@Yadava)
- land management (@Sienna)
- feeding animals (@Yadava and @Timotheos)
- website maintenance (Ziggy)