Version 6 vs 7
Version 6 vs 7
Content Changes
Content Changes
Please click on each member username for self-described details on their profile.
| Username | Description | Location | Link to signed Collaborator's Pledge |
| ------------- | ------------ | ---------- | ------- |
| @Timotheos | Founder | Firestone Sanctuary | N/A |
| @HG.xO11 | Volunteer organiser | Firestone Sanctuary
| Ziggy | Website maintenance | Sydney
Please click on each member username for self-described details on their profile.
| Username | Description | Location | Link to signed Collaborator's Pledge |
| ------------- | ------------ | ---------- | ------- |
| @Timotheos | Founder, overall systems analyst | Firestone Sanctuary | N/A |
| @HG.xO11 | Volunteer organiser | Firestone Sanctuary
| Ziggy | Website maintenance | Sydney
Please click on each member username for self-described details on their profile.
| Username | Description | Location | Link to signed Collaborator's Pledge |
| ------------- | ------------ | ---------- | ------- |
| @Timotheos | Founder, overall systems analyst | Firestone Sanctuary | N/A |
| @HG.xO11 | Volunteer organiser | Firestone Sanctuary
| Ziggy | Website maintenance | Sydney