Version 1 vs 5
Version 1 vs 5
- Edit by Timotheos, Version 5
- Oct 23 2023 20:16
- ·Updated the priority order in terms of earthmoving
- Edit by Timotheos, Version 1
- Oct 11 2021 23:27
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This is a brainstorm and description of all the places we want earthmoved, in rough order of priority.
Increasing access on the Sanctuary allows us to further plan the space available.
- Fix drainage on Lily Pad
- Finish road down to Yummyberry Grove & make flat(s) or at least just make access for excavator
- Level the corner of Festival Flat
- Continue road from side of lower shed to as far as it goes
- Level the access between creek and Festival Flat road, so it's flat usable space
- Track through "goat hill" and starting to access Lemon Hill
- 2022 start thinking about the access route and next council burning
This is a brainstorm and description of all the places we want earthmoved, in rough order of priority.
Increasing access on the Sanctuary allows us to further plan the space available.
Initial earthworks plan:
- Level the flat space below the dam wall
- Level the access between creek and Festival Flat road, so it's flat usable space
- Level the corner of Festival Flat
- Continue road from side of lower shed to as far as it goes
- Fix the driveway wash-outs to regain vehicle access to Lemon Hill
- Finish road down to Yummyberry Grove & make flat(s) or at least just make access for excavator - make trailer access for campers and for feral pig trap deployment
Medium priority earthmoving:
- Finish the dam and "possum shed" flat space (this may require the purchase of a tipper truck and excavator to bring soil from Lemon Hill)
- Rework the lower shed "fiveways"
Lower priority earthmoving:
- Fire safety access to Range Road
- Push track up from Lily Pad around to top of "goat hill"
- Track through "goat hill" and starting to access Lemon Hill
- Digging out the creek below (downstream of, East of) the bathing pool
This is a brainstorm and description of all the places we want earthmoved, in rough order of priority.
Increasing access on the Sanctuary allows us to further plan the space available.
- Fix drainage on Lily PadInitial earthworks plan:
- Level the flat space below the dam wall
- Finish road down to Yummyberry Grove & make flat(s) or at least just make access for excavator- Level the access between creek and Festival Flat road, so it's flat usable space
- Level the corner of Festival Flat
- Continue road from side of lower shed to as far as it goes
- Fix the driveway wash-outs to regain vehicle access to Lemon Hill
- Finish road down to Yummyberry Grove & make flat(s) or at least just make access for excavator - make trailer access for campers and for feral pig trap deployment
Medium priority earthmoving:
- Finish the dam and "possum shed" flat space (this may require the purchase of a tipper truck and excavator to bring soil from Lemon Hill)
- Level the access between creek and Festival Flat road, so it's flat usable space- Rework the lower shed "fiveways"
Lower priority earthmoving:
- Fire safety access to Range Road
- Push track up from Lily Pad around to top of "goat hill"
- Track through "goat hill" and starting to access Lemon Hill
- 2022 star- Digging out thinking about the access route and next council burninge creek below (downstream of, East of) the bathing pool