## Time and location
Begun: [[https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/meetingdetails.html?year=2023&month=2&day=13&hour=00&min=00&sec=0&p1=47&p2=152|1000 AEST]] at the Sanctuary
Ended: 1030 AEST
## Attendees
- @Timotheos
- @BradCini (over video call)
- @Dylan (over video call)
## Agenda
- Personal check-in.
- Follow-up on previous meeting notes [[ meetings/2023-02-06/ ]].
- Review the [[/project/view/6/|overall workboard]].
- Set tasks and plans for this week.
- Brad: Banking and finances.
- Brad: Managing email account.
- Chase up Gorgon, motorcycle, bobcat.
- Mail out new bank details to mailing list.
- Vision, plan, and how to get involved speech.
- Replying to Firestone Sanctuary emails (e.g. Mason L).
- Membership applications.
## Notes from the discussion
- ...
## Actionables
[] @Elle and @Timotheos to look at profit and loss template
[] @Elle and @Timotheos to read financial plan document
[] @Elle to follow up lease agreements
[] @Timotheos to put the bills in Firestone Sanctuary's name (electricity and rates - Starlink)
[] @Brad to check all tenants are happy with $433.33 monthly & new sublease
[] Follow up on previous meeting notes.
[] Transcribe all non-trivial actionables into tasks on the workboard.