## Time and location
[[https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/meetingdetails.html?year=2022&month=1&day=10&hour=2&min=30&sec=0&p1=47|1230 AEST]] at the Sanctuary
## Attendees
- @Timotheos
- @Emily
- @maclean (via video conferencing)
- @DylanReo (via video conferencing)
- @Kane (via video conferencing)
## Agenda
- Personal check-in
- Adding any agenda items not already listed
- Officially incorporated: Firestone Sanctuary Incorporated!
- @Timotheos uploaded documents about incorporation to this site, under [[ organisation/incorporated/ ]].
- Confirming roles (is @maclean secretary or is @Timotheos misremembering?)
- Member status update with @Lara.
- Obligations to inform the [[https://www.qld.gov.au/law/fair-trading|Office of Fair Trading]] of the land owned by the incorporated association, as per the cover letter F46368: it sounds like we should do this soon.
- Next work bee and movie night proposal (as [[https://discord.com/channels/892039023617531934/892354882521149461/929546421605109770|discussed on Discord]]):
- @Timotheos proposes the weekend of the 22nd/23rd January 2022. Would the 22nd be preferable for everyone so staying late watching movies / chatting doesn't affect work?
- Then perhaps @Timotheos might check with Maleny Ecovillage if they're free on the 23rd and might go up and visit then (with anyone who has stuck around from the day before and wants to come).
- Work bee focus: Pallet retaining wall next to the [[ map/pineapple-shed/ ]]
- Work bee focus: Getting firewood from Mimi's
- How this works out with the current COVID climate, considering outdoor spaces and events feel fairly safe in comparison to indoor events (and already some visitors will be coming, as per below notes)
- @Timotheos' plan for transitioning away from work (starting with Monday and Tuesday off work, to potentially match with @maclean's chosen volunteer dates and meeting dates).
- Direct debit for toilet paper subscriptions
- Visitor to Sanctuary on 22nd or 23rd (Trudianne, doing a Diploma of Sustainability)
- @Kyle staying from 22nd to 25th in the Craft Room of the Cottage
- Discussing any changes we'd like to make to the space to make it nicer to live in or visit
- The discussions on [[https://discord.com/channels/892039023617531934/927774376894558269/927775404222197821|#all-weather-access on Discord]] about driveway upgrades is probably relevant
- The [[projects/earthmoving]] page is also relevant
- Status of earthmoving dispute (at the time of writing, a complaint has been submitted about the failed dam wall, as per [[https://discord.com/channels/892039023617531934/917704445876379699/927066288629624882|#earthmoving on Discord]], and @Timotheos has not heard back).
- Likely time to open a case with QCAT.
- Status of Tenancy Agreements, in particular, agreeing upon 'park rules'
- Follow-up on previous meeting notes [[ meetings/2021-11-15/ ]]
- Update on meeting [[ meetings/2022-01-07 ]] with software project group.
## Notes from the discussion
- ...
## Actionables
[] ...
[] Transcribe all non-trivial actionables into tasks on the workboard