Project collaborators who wish to claim a reimbursement for money they've spent for Sanctuary project purposes should follow the following process:
Email a photo of your receipt with the subject line:
Reimburse [your full name] [date]
In the body of the email please provide the following:
[Your full name]
[Bank details]
[Description of item purchased including full price includ. GST]
[Was this an approved purchase?*]
The treasurer will check the Protonmail and process reimbursement weekly but feel free to nag them if you need a reimbursement done asap.
The treasurer will email to say the reimbursement has been transferred, and collaborators should respond when it is received in their bank account.
*Approval should be given by consensus by members at a regular Sanctuary meeting prior to purchase. In some cases where item is non-negotiable (meets immediate basic needs of residents) or is ongoing and has been previously approved (e.g. cost of water tank refill), explicit approval is not required.