This is a brainstorm and description of all the places we want earthmoved, in rough order of priority.
Increasing access on the Sanctuary allows us to further plan the space available.
- Fix drainage on Lily Pad(?)
- Finish road down to Yummyberry Grove & make flat(s) or at least just make access for excavator - make trailer access for campers and for feral pig trap deployment
- Level the corner of Festival Flat
- Continue road from side of lower shed to as far as it goes
- Level the access between creek and Festival Flat road, so it's flat usable space
- Level the flat space below the dam wall
- Finish the dam and "possum shed" flat space
- Rework the lower shed "fiveways"
Repairs of existing access:
- the "canyon" in the driveway just before the Sanctuary gate (which is on neighbour-Peter's property, just in front of Dana's house)
- fix the whole shared driveway
Lower priority earthmoving
- Fire safety access to Range Road
- Push track up from Lily Pad around to top of "goat hill"
- Track through "goat hill" and starting to access Lemon Hill
- Digging out the creek below (downstream of, East of) the bathing pool
- 2022 start thinking about the access route and next council burning