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Collaborator Pledge Template
Updated 1,590 Days AgoPublic


Behavioural agreement

If you believe you know something essential for the Sanctuary, it is your responsibility to convey it in a peaceful and inspiring manner, not an accusatory or presumptive tone.

Please be aware that you may not realise you are in a state of not knowing, where you think you know. You may also be in an unhealthy thought pattern and not be aware of this, and project it onto others. Your manner of acting may be so normalised and ingrained that you cannot even see any fault in it (which can be similar to people being unable to hear pronunciation differences when they are not a native speaker of the language), but collaborators are expected to have the humility to accept this could be a possibility in themselves. They are expected to truly listen deeply and heed what is being said

Camping agreement

(bring all of your own equipment, take all of your rubbish)
$11 per night, which could be reduced by contributing hours of work to the Sanctuary
$50 deposit, which is returned if they don't trash the place (waived if they come to volunteer)

This has no land/space allocation: they are a guest

Member agreement

An agreement where the member gets usufructory rights and decision-making agency for a defined space
It probably depends on the amount of space allocated to the person: a higher rent/contribution gets a higher exclusive space allocation.
Obviously if someone is spending more time gardening as contributing hours, they can have a larger space for that, et cetera.

For those who contributed to the sanctuary (e.g. build buildings) then the rent could be waived for the value of the building - agreed in advance.

Last Author
Last Edited
Oct 17 2020, 21:54

Event Timeline

Timotheos created this object.Oct 17 2020, 20:43
Timotheos edited the content of this document. (Show Details)Oct 17 2020, 21:54