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Mailing List (MailChimp)
Updated 653 Days AgoPublic

Log in to using email address and the password which can be found in the Firestone Sanctuary Protonmail inbox (seach for "Mailchimp" in the "Account Logins" folder).

All our subscribers exist in 'All contacts' under Audience. I believe this is where you add new subscribers.

To create a new email to our subscribers, click Create and start a Regular Email.

Last Author
Last Edited
May 12 2023, 12:30

Event Timeline

Timotheos created this object.May 1 2023, 10:13
Elle edited the content of this document. (Show Details)May 1 2023, 10:43
Elle added subscribers: Timotheos, Elle, Hannah and 3 others.

Please add more detail as this function actually gets used.

Timotheos edited the content of this document. (Show Details)May 12 2023, 12:30