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Meeting 2022-03-28 (members meeting)
Updated 1,063 Days AgoPublic

Time and location

Begun: 1230 AEST at the Sanctuary
Ended: 1345 AEST




Notes from the discussion

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  • timotheos is a bit tired n is feeling alright~ he has been enjoying carob bananas n tomorrow he will pick up lil tubestock plant babis for creek restoration project from kumbartcho sanctuary
  • zac has been staying for a few days while it has been raining n is organising a way to dry his tents n get a lift back to his brisbane home this week
  • peter is good~ he enjoyed his weekend at maryborough~ he was upset by rover being left in the rain but didn't mind moving rover
  • kane is good~ his health is improved since last week~ he had a fun weekend going out to the city n spending time with lachlan n bella~ feels better now that he has set up the craft room with his computer n work space~ he has been going on walks n climbed a tree this week, he found lichen n was happy to find lichen~ is keen to set up gym equipment in a shelter with timotheos
  • timotheos wants to make moveable metal shelters for caravans, buses n events~ steel for welding projects~ recycled metal for welding projects ~ recycled metal on dayboro road (recyclers) that peter wants to visit
  • timotheos~~~contact adrian voss for recycling n ewaste
  • zac has been moving rocks to help build the path to the creek~ he has been mowing n has been enjoying cooking n had a nice cup of tea with dylan~ he has been helping declutter n organise the kitchen n fridges, the organised system will help with food waste n preparation
  • zac suggests tub for unused kitchen utensils, to take down to pineapple shed
  • elle plans to move her caravan during this sunday coming
  • peter n kane plan to clear the upper shed this week for extra storage n perhaps gym equipment setup
  • peter plans to build shed on the lily pad to live in n store his belongings~ he plans to move his belongings out of the cottage spare room
  • community has been preparing for work bee~ timotheos n emily have been to seed collecting workshop of local, native seeds to sow
  • timotheos created creek restoration project work bee page on the phabricator
  • peter suggests planting native flowering plants for pollinators
  • timotheos created tools inventory for work bee preparation~ peter has extra mattock, fork (may not require pick up of extra tools)
  • hamil grass solutions~ carpet covering large areas could compost the hamil grass n sow new native seeds when it is dead~ it will be not damaging to the environment to smother hamil grass~ covering grass could also smother hamil grass seeds to prevent new growth
  • timotheos suggests keeping an eye out for any gloves n tools laying around sanctuary~ the gloves live in a box under the table in pineapple shed
  • kane plans to unpack n declutter his belongings after moving n help clean out the upper shed this week
  • peter plans to take some things to the dump n kane will be creating inventory for upper shed belongings
  • gorgon requires a mechanical appointment


  • Transcribe all non-trivial actionables into tasks on the workboard.
Last Author
Last Edited
Mar 28 2022, 23:55

Event Timeline

Timotheos created this object.Mar 28 2022, 12:18
Timotheos edited the content of this document. (Show Details)Mar 28 2022, 12:26
Emily edited the content of this document. (Show Details)Mar 28 2022, 13:49
Timotheos edited the content of this document. (Show Details)Mar 28 2022, 23:54
Timotheos edited the content of this document. (Show Details)