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Meeting 2022-12-05 (member's meeting)
Updated 748 Days AgoPublic

Time and location

Begun: 1000 AEST at the Sanctuary
Ended: 1040 AEST




Notes from the discussion

  • Cottage renovation starting at 26th, but can be moved earlier.


  • @Timotheos to look into excavator plan.
  • @Timotheos, @BradCini and @Elle to go to any Heritage Bank Branch with 100 points of ID to finalise a bank application for Firestone Sanctuary Incorporated.
  • @Elle to copy the project category breakdown into Projects and Google Drive.
  • Provide feedback on the profit and loss statements, financial plan and residential tenancy agreement and sublease agreement that @BradCini wrote up.
  • @Timotheos to chat to Mike Emery or Ian Flinders about electrical help for the renovation - big thanks to Ian for helping out!
  • @BradCini to get a carpenter to get a quote to remove the Cottage utility room, add in windows to each end of the house, install the bathroom air vent.
  • Clean out utility room and move things to shelving in @Owen's shed.
  • Follow up on previous meeting notes.
  • Transcribe all non-trivial actionables into tasks on the workboard.
Last Author
Last Edited
Feb 6 2023, 17:12

Event Timeline

Timotheos edited the content of this document. (Show Details)Dec 5 2022, 10:04
Timotheos created this object.
Timotheos edited the content of this document. (Show Details)Dec 5 2022, 10:42
Timotheos added subscribers: BradCini, Elle, Owen and 2 others.
Timotheos edited the content of this document. (Show Details)Feb 6 2023, 17:12