Meeting 2023-06-10 (Annual General Meeting)
Meeting 2023-06-10 (Annual General Meeting)
Time and location
Begun: 15:30 AEST at the Sanctuary
Ended: 16:30 AEST
- ...
Agenda (facilitated by Elle)
- Acknowledgement of Country
- Welcome & introductions
- Review previous AGM notes: Meeting 2022-11-14 (Annual General Meeting)
- President's Report
- Treasurer's Report
- Approval and welcome of any new members
- Electing the 3 board member positions (President/Chairperson, Secretary, Treasurer)
- Open for discussion of any other vision points from any attendees
- Thank you and close of meeting
President's Report
Achievements of 2022
- We planted hundreds of plants across multiple work bees (and learnt a lot, hence over 20 cubic metres of mulch here)
- We were heavily impacted by flood and the passing away of a core member Peter Maclean
- We set up a pump from the creek to water the regen area
- We made lots of new connections with new collaborators, and visited the Maleny ecovillage
- Space planning workshop helped us develop shared design principles and aspirational activities and understand more about people’s visions
- Brad helped us knock out walls in The Cottage / office and replaster the walls
- We received $10k in grants for repair of the road after the floods
- Applied for a Gambling Community Benefit Fund grant for $32k towards an earthmoving machine
Less officially related
- Land For Wildlife grant (which spurred the 2023-06-10 Riparian zone restoration project and work bee we are attending)
- Timotheos won a QCAT case in regards to the dam construction
- We hosted multiple lovely events
- Housewarmings for Elle and Hannah
- Medieval festival
- Things broke and we fixed them - it's different managing this as a community vs being able to just call up a landlord
- Owen’s shed was created
- We grew and ate lots of edible things (bananas, tomatoes, aviary garden)
- We supported local food systems by collectively buying food from the Samford co-op
- We cooked and shared countless meals together and with beautiful guests
- Mental health support of each other, not just through tragedy but through the gruelling day-to-day of struggling with the symptoms of a broken system
- Sometimes it's easy to feel defeated by that and forget that we have the agency to make a difference to change it
Plans for 2023
- Wildlife release site & new aviary construction (visiting Pine Rivers Koala Care Association's Madonna's house to collaborate)
- Shelving for organising the upper shed is several hundred dollars but will go a long way to organising our operations
- Purchase earthmoving machine
- Mental health cabin
- Getting costing to get concrete water tanks / pool in ground
Future Direction
- Native animal caring
- Community Hall
- Big permaculture plan
- More roads, access, cabins, plantings, community events and private mental health retreats for collaborators!
Treasurer's Report
- Income was $9,409.25 from donations, including members
- Expenditure was $10,893 from rent and road repair
- Therefore the account went down by $1495.75
Notes from the discussion
- ...
- Transcribe all non-trivial actionables into tasks on the workboard.
- Last Author
- Timotheos
- Last Edited
- Jun 7 2023, 00:01