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Meeting 2023-09-19 (residents meeting)
Updated 354 Days AgoPublic

Time and location

Begun: 17:30 AEST at the Sanctuary
Ended: 18:30 AEST


Apologies: @Elle.

Fixed Agenda

Additional Agenda

Notes from the discussion

  • ...


  • Design the fence and get quote for building supplies.
  • Designate the Sunday 1st October to going through Residential Agreements in detail - do it all together with current and future residents.
  • Put the call-out for the Secretary position after describing it more on Roles - @Anita is willing to participate in a sustainable level of being a delegate.
  • All remaining previous meeting actionables to become issues on the workboard(s).
  • Transcribe all non-trivial actionables into tasks on the workboard.
Last Author
Last Edited
Sep 19 2023, 21:23

Event Timeline

Timotheos edited the content of this document. (Show Details)Sep 19 2023, 16:24
Timotheos created this object.
Timotheos edited the content of this document. (Show Details)Sep 19 2023, 21:23
Timotheos added subscribers: Ben, Anita.