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Meeting 2023-10-31 (residents meeting)
Updated 467 Days AgoPublic

Time and location

Begun: 17:30 AEST at the Sanctuary
Ended: 18:15 AEST


Fixed Agenda

Additional Agenda

  • @Timotheos: Over the weekend, I connected with some of the local Deep Adaptation community, who are based around the cognizance of systemic failure and the need to deeply adapt to better systems to endure societal malfunction / collapse and climate crises, among other things:

Notes from the discussion

  • ...


  • @Timotheos is waiting on a response to new public liability insurance, and will sign up and follow up on this.
  • @Timotheos to purchase fuel pod and upgrade The Gorgon to have an Anderson plug to power the fuel pump.
  • @Timotheos to borrow levelling laser from @Owen.
  • @Timotheos to add any interested members from the Deep Adaptation gatherings to the Firestone Sanctuary mailing list.
  • Make tasks for formulating quotes for building the cat fence.
  • Post in Discord about the Secretary role and request someone step up - also request a Firestone Sanctuary Facebook Group manager too.
  • @Timotheos submit documents from the QCAT case about the earthmoving refund to the Pine Rivers Magistrates Court to progress to an enforcement.
  • Create a task to set up the smaller of Peter's trailers as a Fire Safety Trailer using an IBC and a fixed petrol-powered (ideally diesel due to storage life and the fact Gorgon has a diesel pod) mounted pump.
  • All remaining previous meeting actionables to become issues on the workboard(s).
  • Transcribe all non-trivial actionables into tasks on the workboard.
Last Author
Last Edited
Nov 14 2023, 15:31

Event Timeline

Timotheos edited the content of this document. (Show Details)Nov 14 2023, 15:30
Timotheos created this object.