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Clear the creek blockage near Aster
Open, NormalPublic


There is a fallen tree across the creek just near Aster.

This should be chopped up and removed so the area is clear again, as the blockage is quite ugly.

The tree could also be used for building materials.

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Event Timeline

Timotheos triaged this task as Normal priority.Jun 9 2021, 11:39
Timotheos created this task.
Timotheos created this object with visibility "Public (No Login Required)".
Timotheos created this object with edit policy "Trusted Contributors (Project)".
Dylan added a subscriber: Dylan.Feb 3 2022, 15:07

@Timotheos - were is Aster?

I'm assuming there's not going to be any blockages left so I've moved this for review @Timotheos

Timotheos claimed this task.Mar 30 2022, 16:53
Timotheos moved this task from Work done, needing review to Backlog on the Trusted Contributors board.

Actually, I've checked and this fallen tree is still there after the flooding. It's a very sizable tree, wedged in, and the water must have only gone underneath it.

Aster is quite a way up the creek, and the fallen tree is roughly here:

T69: Repair donated chainsaw should probably be completed before this task.