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Obtain long heavy duty extension lead × 2
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Obtain an electricity power extension lead for the purposes of running power from the Cottage to the Upper shed.

Suggestion to obtain a few of these so they can also be used on the other side of the cottage (in case the Bell Tent is being set up near Bell's Rest) or for other purposes.

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Event Timeline

Timotheos triaged this task as Normal priority.Oct 17 2020, 18:23
Timotheos created this task.
Timotheos created this object with visibility "Public (No Login Required)".
Timotheos created this object with edit policy "Trusted Contributors (Project)".
Timotheos renamed this task from Obtain long heavy duty extension lead to Obtain long heavy duty extension lead × 2.Nov 4 2020, 10:09
Timotheos updated the task description. (Show Details)
Timotheos closed this task as Resolved.Jan 26 2021, 12:34
Timotheos claimed this task.