Version 1 vs 5
Version 1 vs 5
- Edit by Timotheos, Version 5
- Oct 6 2021 11:09
- ·Updated title.
- Edit by Timotheos, Version 1
- Mar 31 2021 10:12
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Content Changes
Content Changes
Currently the Sanctuary only receives occasional donations.
The following page includes ideas on how to generate revenue to make the place financially self-sustaining.
# Sanctuary Revenue Ideas
## Transactional visitor income
### Camping
### Airbnb
## Nutrient-focussed native systems permaculture
- courses
- writing books
- running tours
- keeping a plant nursery
# Individual Resident Revenue Ideas
- tutoring for students around Dayboro
- eco-friendly lawnmowing using scythe and electric whipper snipper around Dayboro
Currently the Sanctuary only receives occasional donations.
The following page includes ideas on how to generate revenue to make the place financially self-sustaining.
# Sanctuary Revenue Ideas
### Transactional visitor income
- Camping
- Airbnb
### Nutrient-focussed native systems permaculture
- courses
- writing books
- running tours
- keeping a plant nursery
- sell plants and brochures
- edible mushroom growing
- (long term) selling fruit (Davidson's Plum, bananas, et cetera)
### Production, art and gifts
- selling ankh pendant
- "tooth fairy" quality floss holder
- eco staple meals
- RecycleBot?
# Individual Resident Revenue Ideas
- tutoring for students around Dayboro
- eco-friendly lawnmowing using scythe and electric whipper snipper around Dayboro
- animal minding, bird minding / boarding
- picking up and clearing out old organic debris
Currently the Sanctuary only receives occasional donations.
The following page includes ideas on how to generate revenue to make the place financially self-sustaining.
# Sanctuary Revenue Ideas
### Transactional visitor income
###- Camping
###- Airbnb
### Nutrient-focussed native systems permaculture
- courses
- writing books
- running tours
- keeping a plant nursery
- sell plants and brochures
- edible mushroom growing
- (long term) selling fruit (Davidson's Plum, bananas, et cetera)
### Production, art and gifts
- selling ankh pendant
- "tooth fairy" quality floss holder
- eco staple meals
- RecycleBot?
# Individual Resident Revenue Ideas
- tutoring for students around Dayboro
- eco-friendly lawnmowing using scythe and electric whipper snipper around Dayboro
- animal minding, bird minding / boarding
- picking up and clearing out old organic debris