A page to discuss plans for data collection, including small sensors that are permanently located on the property, or large scale data collection.
# Climate data collection
Advice from Jesse:
> Temperature sensors in multiple locations would be a good start. That way you can explore the property's microclimates at different locations.
> A single larger weather station would also be handy - one that measures rainfall, humidity, barometric pressure etc.
> In terms of large-scale, less frequent data collection, if you have access to a commercial drone you could collect:
> - Lidar data, to create a more accurate topographic map of the property, and to measure foliage density
> - Multispectral imagery - by measuring infrared light that's reflected from plants you can infer their moisture content and health
# Biodiversity data collection
Wildlife "audio traps" e.g. Audiomoths
Wildlife "camera traps"
# Soil health data collection
Moisture tests
Acidity tests
Nitrogen and other nutrient tests
# Greenhouse emissions and carbon sequestration tests
Measuring carbon content in soils
Measuring tree carbon
# Existing Geospatial Information System (GIS) data
[This Google Drive folder](https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1YDu89QpDyEj1u4hWCBId3nop-T9YudDX?usp=sharing) contains:
- Several map PDFs
- a 7zip archive containing QIGS files
Extract the archive and open the `.qgs` file in QGIS. It should load the other layers and style them.
The layers are:
- DCDB Extract: Property boundaries
- Contours: 1m contours, derived from lidar data. They're circa 2007-8
- DEM: Digital Elevation Model. A raster image, where the pixel value indicates the height above sea level. The actual image is greyscale, it's just been styled as green-brown in the map
- Hillshade: Shows the topography
- Slope: How flat or steeply sloped the terrain is
- Aspect: Whether a slope is facing north (red), east (yellow), south (green), or west (purple)
# Maps
[Moreton Bay Regional Council mapping for the Sanctuary](https://mbrc.maps.arcgis.com/apps/webappviewer/index.html?id=a91756f396294148aa23f2673e6ca214&query=MBRC_Property_Boundaries_7253,Property_Key,523345)
Whole property:
Detail with aspect:
Detail with slope overlay:
3D view:
3D view with slope overlay: