Items here should be moved to the relevant meeting page when the meeting is scheduled.
Sometimes, there may be a future meeting scheduled but items will still remain here if the meeting appears to have too many agenda items for a focussed discussion, or is not a priority.
| Agenda item | Outcome |
| --------------- | ----------- |
| Residential Agreement protocol (review Sanctuary bank accounts, review work contributions from last fortnight, make payments to volunteers, choose how to spend any donations) | ☐ This was not done |
| Follow-up on the last meeting agenda: [[meetings/2020-10-17]] | ☐ This was not done |
| Review of [the active contributors workboard](/project/board/6/)
| Fire safety plan!!
| All #trusted_contributors need to have signed pledges
| Possibility of recording meetings
- Defining and signing Residential Agreement with @Timotheos and Lily (draft, can get solicitor to check if needed)
- Creating user account for @Lilith on here
- start adding standard lease agreement to the residential agreement
- Planning next earthmoving
- getting water fittings and stuff for pump (ask Ryan, ask plumbers, ask plumbing trade store like Reece - take photo of current pump setup.... food safe pipe and stuff)
- concrete tanks - get quotes
- standards for future meetings. Record them??
- Task for fire safety: trying to level some of the grass between the road below the cottage and the cottage
- @Grace's [[property/pallet-deck]] in//tent//ions
- Ensure everyone is aware of [[wishlist]]
- Everyone filling out their profile with some information and uploading a profile picture? @Timotheos: I know my picture is currently a grasshopper in a flower. I will be updating it to have my face in it, soon. People don't have to show their face, but it would be ideal to be identifiable
## Business priority
- YouCamp goals
- After YouCamp, Airbnb goals (including place for Timotheos to stay while Cottage is rented?)
## Garden, property maintenance plans
- Movable water pump unit for Gorgon
- Gardening planning space with mapping, including zoning areas for "gardenable" or otherwise
- Starting some planting of bush food plants on the near mountain above:
## Lower priority
(not scheduled for very next meeting, but may be a discussion if needed)
- Calendarising the next fortnight ahead by each meeting?
- Large laminated printout of Sanctuary for drawing plans?
- @Yadava: Where to put an exercise platform outside for individual/group training? (@Timotheos: The aforementioned pallet deck might address this. Cork flooring negates need for yoga mat?)
- Further Summer heat plans (write page)
- @Timotheos: brainstormed ideas:
-- convert the cottage into a collaborative kitchen / office space, add wraparound deck
-- add the (earthenware?) plumbing and earth friendly concrete to the "shed pad" and use this as a storage / exercise, to be made into a future workshop space (with kitchen capacities), with the overhang area becoming a toilet?
- Please everyone read all Wiki pages
- Airbrushing pineapple shed?
- Preparing another van shelter in advance
- Planning for the [[events/december]]