Should we create another task for planting some native grasses later down the track, then? :)
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Oct 5 2021
Oct 4 2021
Oct 3 2021
Sep 29 2021
Sep 20 2021
Great idea! I'm keen for that :)
Certainly. Near The Cottage, there's some paint tins, including outdoor paint and primer. Eventually, they should all be moved to the upper shed, probably. There may be enough cottage green for the this outhouse, I am not sure.
Great work! Sorry, I guess you've seen these now, but I had created T152: Create wheelie bin composting toilet for Tiny Village #2 and T153: Create wheelie bin composting toilet for Tiny Village #3 already :)
Sep 19 2021
I bought and installed a new 72-link chain. The chainsaw was working today, but it is running a bit oddly as if the carburettor is gummed up with oil (likely because I left the fuel sitting in the chainsaw). This may clean out by running the chainsaw more regularly.
Sep 18 2021
@Timotheos This is one thing that I'm still not sure about. Definitely more for just doing a permenent structure as that is actually easier. Only problem is where to put it now the tanks are down on the flat? The obvious place would be next to or near the tanks. But then if it's a permanent structure and I decide to shift, there will be a random shower structure on the flat which might be weird? I don't care about it being close to me and other's using it as that's convenient for me but might not be ideal for others?
I see so many people with half full paint around properties. If you have any leftovers could we possibly use that rather than purchasing new paint? Unless you have a specific colour in mind of course.
I was considering just cutting some timber to size and laying it over the top as they would make a good standing outdoor bar. I will fashion some 'rings' to place over the intakes to filter debris from the downpipes.
Have spoken to a plumber and solved the issue with the odd sized downpipes. Purchasing materials Monday and hopefully done by next Wednesday. Just in time for wet season.
Have purchased a pressure pump. Picking up fittings Monday. Hoping to have done by Wednesday next week.
Drainage pit about .5m deep filled with river stones. The run off from the sink and toilet go here. The toilet pipe goes under the gravel and should disperse into the ground fine - there is barely any run off anyway (a few drips here and there) and shouldn't be any smell. Some native grasses planted around the outside of the pit would help.
First one down and two to go. I shall create a new task for these. I'm hoping to get about 4 months out of each on rotation.
Sep 17 2021
I have reopened this task because the previous set-up was a bit ad-hoc and has become overgrown. It was suitable for the event at the time, but a more permanent and professional solution is now desired :)
Sep 16 2021
Sep 15 2021
Sep 7 2021
Sep 6 2021
Aug 30 2021
Robert Packer has come out and repaired the dam wall on Monday 23rd August 2021.